Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The impact of culture

Levels of culture

Today I will explain two very important topics for us, as International Negotiators .Nowadays is so important to take in mind Culture when you are: Doing business, talking with a relative, studying abroad, understand the news until only when you are traveling as a tourist. We all know that countries have different culture even though, the countries speak the same language and are close (e.g. Colombia VS Venezuela) but one interesting thing that I learn at the class and I want to share with you is that there are levels of culture :Subculture and Subgroups .

Subculture, I could define in an easy words in: It is a group of people that share social habits, common words when they are talking each other’s, similar income, ethnic and religion that differentiate with the others in the same society. Ex: rappers, miners, skaters, punkers, rockers, etc. 

Subgroups, it´s different, it is more referring to a pattern of behavior that a group have to follow .We see them normally in a MNE´s or a company that have a very strong pattern. For example: doctors, layers, Army, fraternities in the US, Google.
This two levels of culture are so important, for example: in the situation when a company (government) have to work intervening an area in the city of Medellin and you are the one that are planning the project, you will have to take for example the skaters if the project is a park where they use to skate as a main factor.

Archetypes and the collective unconsciousness

 Other topic for today is Archetypes. The word Archetypes has a meaning do “original pattern “that we can found in persons, objects. Studies for example the one of the psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, said that Archetypes tend to be universal doesn´t matter the culture. That is so important in the case of branding, you have to know already what the company want to express with the brand and with the marketing strategy.

 We see example with the brand Paco Rabanne with the last perfume, the wanted to communicate that the perfume is strong, warrior, for guys, winner so the use the next image to show all that they wanted. 

Who big and strong can be a subculture?

They are many subgroups in the world, and they are with different objectives and characteristic, I found that the can be enormous and very strong .I will give one example of a subgroup that Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners, they are all around the world, have special characteristics that are:

Majority is under 35 years old and the median age is 46.7 ;The media income of a rider are proximally $38,000 ;Have a special costume to ride “his baby”; Is part on the group HOG ( Harley Owner Group the biggest club was create in 1983);Its vision :Harley is not a product is a lifestyle
(Schouten & McAlexander, 1995)


Dictionary. (02 de 2015). Obtenido de http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/subculture
Golden, C. (02 de 2015). soulcraft. Obtenido de http://www.soulcraft.co/essays/the_12_common_archetypes.html

Schouten, J. W., & McAlexander, J. H. ( 1995). Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers . Journal of Consumer Research, 43-61.

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