Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The cultural clusters of the Globe Study (GLOBE )and Metaphors

The cultural clusters of the Globe Study (GLOBE )and Metaphors

Today I will talk about one of the main topic of these blog , that is about GLOBE that is a study of 62 countries divided in 10 clusters  based on their  cultural similarities . The begins of this study start from the author of the a past post that were talking about Hostede. The dimensions are (Mensah, 2013) :
  • ·         Power of distance: How is distributed the power in a organizations ,if is only in one person or is between all.
  • ·         Uncertainty avoidance: how the society is worry about the capacity predict what will happened in the future event
  • ·         Humane Orientation : how much the individual care about the other humans  ,for example generous and caring
  • ·         Institutional collectivism  How much the public institution care about the distributions of resources
  • ·         In-Group Collectivizing: How loyalty are individual to their families and public institutions
  • ·         Assertiveness How aggressive are the relationship between the individual with the public  institutions 
  • ·         Gender egalitarianism: how s the gender equality
  • ·         Future orientation : how much the individuals invest and focus  in the future event
  • ·         Performance orientation How much the individual care about to the thing in a excellent way

In this image we can see the clusters (Leadership, 2014):

Other important concept that I want to share is Metaphor in culture .It is an activity, food, place or institutions that a members are identify , for example we know some of the metaphors that I will give: Eiffel tower for French , American football  for North Americans; Hokey for Canadians; Soccer and Rio de Janeiro for Brazilians : these are metaphors. (Gannon, 2002) 

How is Colombia in GLOBE and what are its Metaphors?

Searching about this question I found a research in Universidad de los Andes in Colombia .In terms of COLLETIVISM have this in a high levels because from childhood they depend on their family until adults ,also the most important sport are with teams (soccer); POWER DISTANCE , the power in concentrate in a few hands , in this case the elite and a high social inequality ; UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE is one that have the highest level in the GLOBE Study and is characterize by improvising and ambiguity ; GENDER EQUALITY now is the normal but still the inequality when to be a men is better to a women in Colombia ; ASSERTIVENESS , due to the past of Colombia the level of aggressiveness for Colombia to public institution is really high; PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION, we Colombians are increasing this score since the secondary until the organizational level with the award and using foreign methods; HUMANE ORIENTATION as Colombia have many beggars and homeless different to others countries people with having a norm to help them and take care , people use to help with waiting in order to get something ; FUTURE ORIENTATION is not focus in the future they are most focus in the present and past.  (Ogliastri, 1998)

And the most common metaphors are: Bandeja Paisa, Vallenato, Cartagena de Indias, The Colombian soccer team and Coffee


Gannon, M. J. (2002). Cultural metaphors: Their use in management practice and as a method for understanding cultures. University of Maryland.
Leadership, C. o. (2014). Leader effectiveness and Culture:The GLOBE Study.
Mensah, Y. (2013). Global Clouster of Countries By culture- Extension of the GLOBE Study . Rutget University.

Ogliastri, E. (1998). CULTURE AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN COLOMBIA. Universidad de los Andes.

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