Friday, 15 May 2015

Motivations Theories

Today I will talk about two very interesting topics about motivations of Human Beings:
Three Needs Theory
It was created by David McClelland in one of his book The Achieving Society .The most important contribution is the division of the dominant motivator for humans n three .Need of Achievement is when persons  have: Likes to works alone and accomplish the goals by himself; like to set many goals in their life and also when he is performing ,they  like to restive feedback on his progress. Need of Affiliation is the second one that is for persons that are the opposite side of the achievement’s one. They want to be in groups ,have friend ,be liked from others, don’t like risk and conflict. Need of Power is the final motivator factor: it is when persons  likes to talk a lot in the meeting and wan to influent other and control the desertions that will take the team, if there is any discussions they always want to win for status and recognition. This are the three motivation factor that if you identified in your team will help with your strategy of goals, feedback and rewards. (Mindtools, 2015)
Expectancy Theory (Vroom)

In this theory Vroom the author separate effort, performance, and outcomes with the objective that is maxima pleasure and minimize pain. He divided in three variables. Expectancy is that they think that if work harder they will be better  .Instrumentally means that on how you do the things you will have that in your outcome i.e. if you do well you will restive a good thing for that. Valence is the last variable, means that persons have a special item that motive them could be (family, recognition ,money) the offers that will increase their performance have to be the same as the desire . (YourCoach , 2013)
Let’s see a video that explain other motivations in peoples life’s

How motivation theories can be use in the workplace?
Looking for the answer I found an article of David Ingram that explain that there are four steps with expectancy theory.
First: as the employees put an almond of effort for each activity look for the ones that refuse to do it or said that they are not paid to do that.

Second: Use tangibles and intangibles rewards for the ones that have a deeper integration and do an extra effort
Third: Develop a program to compensate the employees ,the same as the second spay tangibles(money) are not the only reward .After identify with the human resources area with of the employees have power, acceptance or personal achievement .Dived in groups an motivate differently
Four: After segmenting the employees in this three groups use driver motivation for each and implement the strategy that will help to they all stay engaged. (Ingram, 2015)


Ingram, D. (2015). How to Apply Motivational Theories in the Workplace. págs.
Mindtools. (2015). McClelland's Human Motivation Theory Discovering What Drives Members of Your Team. págs.
YourCoach . (2013). Vroom expectancy motivation theory. págs.

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